Assessment 2:
Authentic Case Study of a student with intellectual gifts and/or talents:
3600 words, 60%
Title page: Please include a title page at the front of your assignment that includes your name, student Id, course code/title, method area (ENGLISH), grade of student/s case, and tutorial day/time.
Case Study: Choose an authentic case study from your course readings or from readings of your choice and amend it according to one of your method areas (ENGLISH) into a one page overview that includes a description of the background/needs of the student or students in your case study to be addressed, the grade of the student, and any other relevant information. Or you can write a one page case overview of a student that you already know, but use pseudonyms. Place this after the title page.
Planning provisions: Use the components of the Model of Dynamic Differentiation (MoDD) to plan support for talent development in your chosen student case. In your report, you will address topics and questions like the following so use these as headings in your assignment:
a) Assessing Learning: How could you assess the student to identify her/his strengths, interests, learning needs? Why did you choose these assessments? How are they relevant to your method area (ENGLISH) and the student’s or students’ needs?
b) Enriching Learning: What enrichment or acceleration techniques would you use in your method area (ENGLISH) to support this student’s individual needs and justify your choices? e.g. any of the models or frameworks i.e. William’s model, SOLO, De Bono’s Thinking Hats etc. or other learning strategies, or techniques such as curriculum compaction.
c) Individualising Learning: What five sequenced learning activities could you use in one topic in one of your method areas (ENGLISH) to support this student’s individual needs and justify your choices?
d) Scaffolding Learning: What teaching, grouping, or scaffolding techniques could support this student’s learning and explain why? How could these be implemented in your method (ENGLISH), classroom, or school context?
e) Self-regulating Learning: How could you teach this student to be an autonomous learner and what learning activities would you use to support autonomous learning for this student?
Response format: Responses will be in report form but graphics/tables might be included. Appendices are optional, but might include resources to support the report’s content or lesson plan overviews that might be useful for your teaching experience in future. Whole lesson plans are not expected and appendices do not count towards the word count.
Structure: Ensure there is an introduction, clear headings throughout the report, and a conclusion. Reference the relevant lectorials, tutorials, course readings, and texts and wider reading.
Assessment grid inserted at end of assignment: See the assessment grid for more specific guidelines for the assignment. Insert the assessment grid below at the end of your assignment before submission so it can be used to provide feedback.
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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions