Australian Social Policy Academic Essay

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Australian Social Policy Academic Essay

1. Outline the historical development of the policy including other linked policies (eg Youth Allowance and Work for the Dole ) highlighting key changes .
You should provide a succinct background to your chosen policy highlighting key changes over time (especially over the past 10-15 years) and very briefly outline the connections/links between your chosen policy and others. You should use a wide range of sources especially from government departments/agencies.
2. Critically discuss key issues and issue drivers identified within the policy and government literature in relation to relevant commentary and scholarly literature. In particular critically examine the core values, beliefs and assumptions underpinning the policy .
Here you need to outline the issues, and issue drivers, that the policy is responding to. You need to research the scholarly literature (including journals) to gain insights into these issues and issue constructions and most importantly the critiques and analyses of the policy by researchers, peak bodies, and other stakeholders.
3. Discuss key findings from evaluation of the policy – including government and non-government evaluations – highlighting strengths and weakness .

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Question