associated skills and problem solving behaviours
1. Demonstrate the associated skills and problem solving behaviours through the practical application of management accounting models and techniques.
2. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the sociological, technological and conceptual issues informing management accounting.
3. Apply cost management strategies to contribute to better management decision making.
4. Identify and apply different contemporary approaches to measuring and managing performance.
Subject Description This subject provides an advanced treatment of management accounting theory and its relationship to decision theory, including model building and use, cost prediction, pricing decisions, and the behavioural dimensions of management accounting.
The Faculty has five Graduate Qualities which we aim to progressively develop in our students through learning and teaching. Graduate Quality Our graduates will: Graduate Qualities Taught, Practised or Assessed in this Subject Informed have gained appropriate conceptual and applied knowledge that is research-based Yes have developed skills for independent thinking and life-long learning acknowledge the work and ideas of others Innovative and Flexible be innovative in their thinking and work practices Yes be flexible in their approach be able to apply creativity and logical analysis to solving business and social issues Socially Responsible appreciate the social and ethical dimensions of business Yes be able to make informed choices for the benefit of society Connected be able to work and network effectively with others Yes appreciate the links between ideas and practice in domestic and international business, the public sector and community contexts Communicators demonstrate an effective level of interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills Yes show an understanding of intercultural communication practices
These qualities have also been formulated to contribute to the UOW Graduate Qualities. You can see how the Graduate Qualities are linked at
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Readings, References and Materials
Major Text(s)
Watts, T. (2010) Management Accounting: Theory and Strategies, Custom publication, Sydney, McGraw-Hill. (RRP $82.95)
Textbook details are available online from the University Bookshop at
Key References
Required readings are available either at UOW Library Short Loans or as selected book chapters and journal articles accessed via the UOW Library ereading service. Details of the reading materials for weeks 1-4 will be made available on the subject’s eLearing space.
Recommended Background and Further Reading
Blocher, E. Stout, D.E. and Cokins, G. (2010) Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, (5Ed) Boston, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Garrison, R.H. and Noreen, E.W. (2003). Managerial Accounting. Boston, Irwin McGraw-Hill.
Hilton, R.W., Maher, M.W. and Selto, F.H. (2009). Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, (4Ed) Boston, Irwin McGraw Hill.
Horngren, C.T., Foster, G. and Data, S.M. (2006) Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis (13th Ed) New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Langfield-Smith, K., Thorne, H. and Hilton. R.W. (2009) Management Accounting: Information for Managing and Creating Value. (5Ed) Sydney, McGraw-Hill.
Macintosh, N.B. (1994). Management Accounting and Control Systems. Chichester, John Wiley.
Macintosh, N.B. (2002). Accounting, Accountants and Accountability: Poststructuralist Positions. London, Routledge.
McNair, C.J. (1994) The Profit Potential: Taking High Performance to the Bottom Line, Essex Junction, Omneo.
This is not an exhaustive list of references. Students should also use the library catalogue and databases to locate additional resources.
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Lectures, Tutorials and Attendance Requirements
Lecture Times *
Lectures will be held on: Day Start Time End Time Room Wednesday (Repeat Lecture), Video Conferencing 17:30 19:30 20.5 Thursday 08:30 10:30 67.107
Lecture Program * Week Date Topics Covered Readings 1 01 Aug 2013 Emergency Evacuation Procedures Cost Management and Strategy Blocher et al, Part 1, Chapter 1 (in Watts 2010). 2 08 Aug 2013 Implementing Strategy: The value chain, the balanced scorecard and the strategy map Blocher et al, Part 1, Chapter 2 (in Watts 2010). McNair C.J. and Watts, T (2009) The Integration of Balanced Scorecard Models, Cost Management, 23(5), pp 5-12. 3 15 Aug 2013 Strategy, Balanced Scorecard and Incentive Systems Hilton et al, Chapter 20 (in Watts 2010). McNair-Connolly, C.J, Watts, T. and Polutnik, L. (2009) Moving Targets: The Dynamics of Goal Setting and Performance, Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 20(3), pp 25-33. 4 22 Aug 2013 Strategic Management Accounting: Informing management accounting Details of readings will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. 5 29 Aug 2013 Contemporary Approaches to Measuring and Managing Performance Langfield-Smith et al. Part 3, Chapter 14 (in Watts 2010). Clinton, B.D. and van der Merwe, A. (2006) Management accounting-Approaches, techniques, and management processes, Cost Management, 20(3), pp 14-22. 6 05 Sep 2013 Strategic Management Accounting: Informing management accounting Assessment 2: In Session Test Details of readings will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. 7 12 Sep 2013 Technological Conceptual Issues: Informing management accounting Details of readings will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. 8 19 Sep 2013 Activity-based Costing and Customer Profitability Analysis Blocher et al, Part1, Chapter 5 (in Watts 2010). Namazi, M. (2009) Performance-focused ABC: A third generation of Activity-based Costing Systems, Cost Management, 23(5), pp 34-46. 9 26 Sep 2013 Sociological and Conceptual Issues: Informing management accounting Details of readings will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space..
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30 Sep 2013 Mid-Session Recess 10 10 Oct 2013 Managing Costs and Quality Essay Due Tuesday 8 October Refer to assessment 3 requirements Langfield-Smith et al, Part 3, Chapter 16 (in Watts 2010). 11 17 Oct 2013 Managing Suppliers and Customers Langfield-Smith et al, Part 3, Chapter 15 (in Watts 2010). 12 24 Oct 2013 Cost-volume Profit Analysis Langfield-Smith et al, Part 4, Chapter 18 (in Watts 2010). 13 31 Oct 2013 Responsibility Accounting and Transfer Pricing Course Review Zimmerman, Chapter 5 (in Watts 2010). 04 Nov 2013 Study Recess 09 Nov 2013 Examinations 18 Nov 2013 Examinations
* The above times and program may be subject to change. Students will be notified of any change via SOLS.
Additional Lecture Comments
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Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Times
Tutorial times and locations can be found at Please note that tutorial times on the timetable are provisional and may change.
The Faculty of Business uses the SMP Online Tutorial System
Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Program Week Week Commencing Topics Covered Readings and Activities 1 29 Jul 2013 NO TUTORIALS IN WEEK 1 Tutorial dates refer to the week commencing they are NOT necessarily the date of the actual tutorial. Please consult your timetable. 2 05 Aug 2013 Cost Management and Strategy Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Question 1-8 Exercises 1-24, 1-25 Problem 1-28 3 12 Aug 2013 Implementing Strategy: The value chain, the balanced scorecard and the strategy map Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Questions: 2-7 and 2-8 Problems: 2-32, 2-33, 2-34 and 2-35 4 19 Aug 2013 Strategy, Balanced Scorecard and Incentive Systems Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Questions 20-4, 20-7 and 20-9 Exercises 20-38 and 20-39 Problems 20-53, 20-54 and 20-55 5 26 Aug 2013 Strategic Management Accounting: Informing management accounting Tutorial questions will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. 6 02 Sep 2013 Contemporary Approaches to Measuring and Managing Performance Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Questions 14-6, 14-7, 14-17 and 14-20 Exercises 14-29 and 14-30 Problems 14-34 and 14-36 Group 1 ¡V Presentation 7 09 Sep 2013 Strategic Management Accounting: Informing management accounting Tutorial questions will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. Group 2 ¡V Presentation 8 16 Sep 2013 Technological Conceptual Issues: Informing management accounting Tutorial questions will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. Group 3 ¡V Presentation
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9 23 Sep 2013 Activity-Based Costing and Customer Profitability Analysis Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Brief Exercise 5-25 Exercises 5-33 and 5-34 Problem 5-52 Group 4 ¡V Presentation 30 Sep 2013 Mid-Session Recess 10 07 Oct 2013 Sociological and Conceptual Issues: Informing management accounting Essay Due Tuesday 8 October Refer to assessment 3 Please note as Monday 7th October is a public holiday Monday tutorial classes will not have a Group 5 presentation. Tutorial questions will be placed on ACCY312 Moodle space. Group 5 ¡V Presentation 11 14 Oct 2013 Managing Costs and Quality Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Question Q16-24 Exercises E16-32, E16-36 and E16-40 Problem P16-52 Group 6 ¡V Presentation 12 21 Oct 2013 Managing Suppliers and Customers Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Questions Q15-11, Q15-12 and Q15-13 Exercises E15-33 and E15-34 Problems P15-44 13 28 Oct 2013 Cost Volume Profit Analysis Tutorial Questions from Watts 2010. Problem Q18-19 Exercises E18-27 and E18-33 Problems P18-38 and P18-40 04 Nov 2013 Study Recess 09 Nov 2013 Examinations 18 Nov 2013 Examinations
The above program may be subject to change.
Additional Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Comments
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Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to attend all lectures, tutorials, workshops and seminars. Where attendance requirements are set for a subject, attendance records will be kept.
Participation/Contribution to Tutorials/Seminars/Workshops
Students may fail the subject unless they attend 80% of lectures, tutorials, workshops and seminars in the subject. This requirement may be waived subject to satisfying the conditions of the Student Academic Consideration Policy. (See Section C: General Advice for Students).
Recent Improvements to Subject
The Faculty of Business is committed to continual improvement in teaching and learning. In assessing teaching and learning practices in a subject, the Faculty takes into consideration student feedback from many sources. These sources include direct student feedback to tutors and lecturers, feedback through Business Central, responses to the Subject and Course Evaluation Surveys. These important student responses are used to make ongoing changes to subjects and courses. This information is also used to inform systemic comprehensive reviews of subjects and courses.
ACCY312 Subject Outline Spring, 2013 Page 12 of 19 Section B: Assessment
Assessment Summary Assessment Item Form of Assessment % Assessment 1 Authentic Tasks 10% Assessment 2 In Session Tests 10% Assessment 3 Essay 20% Assessment 4 Final Exam 60% TOTAL MARKS 100%
Assessment 1: Authentic Tasks Case Study Presentation and Report Graduate Qualities Assessed Informed Innovative and Flexible Communicators Marking Criteria Presentation 5 marks h Marks will be allocated based on clarity and coverage of the issues outlined in the case. Report 5 marks h Marks will be allocated based on the quality of the report. A marking guide for both the Presentation and the Report will be uploaded on the ACCY312 Moodle space in Week 3. Length h The presentation is to be of ten (10) minutes duration. h The report is to be of 1,000 words in length (excluding reference list; appendices and student evaluations). Weighting 10% Assessment Due 02 Sep 2013 (In Your Assigned Tutorial in Session Week 6) 09 Sep 2013 (In Your Assigned Tutorial in Session Week 7) 16 Sep 2013 (In Your Assigned Tutorial in Session Week 8) 23 Sep 2013 (In Your Assigned Tutorial in Session Week 9) 07 Oct 2013 (In Your Assigned Tutorial in Session Week 10) 14 Oct 2013 (In Your Assigned Tutorial in Session Week 11) Type of Collaboration Group Work Style and format The presentation may be either delivered as a PowerPoint presentation or using overheads. The report is to include a cover sheet which includes all students’ names and student numbers. The structure and format of the report is the decision of the students.
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Assessment submission Students are to deliver their 10 minute presentation in the final 20 minutes of the tutorial in the week they are scheduled. All students in the group are to be involved in the presentation. The Report is to be submitted by the group at the beginning of the tutorial for which you are scheduled to present. Reports submitted at the end of the tutorial will be considered one day late. Assessment return Marked reports will be returned during tutorials in the following week. Presentation and report marks will be made available on SOLS. Detailed information Students from each tutorial will be placed into groups of three. These groups will be published on the subject’s e-learning site at the end of Week 3. Students will not be able to form their own groups. Any concerns with group membership must only be discussed with Dr Bowrey. Each group will be allocated a case which includes a number of questions they will need to address. Details of the cases will be available on the e-learning site at the end of Week 3. Each group is to present their case and their answers to the case questions to their tutorial class during the last 20 minutes of the tutorial they have been scheduled. The 20 minutes includes 10 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes to respond to questions from the class. At the end of Week 3 a full schedule of presentations will be published on the subject’s e-learning site. Each group is to prepare and complete a 1,000 word report (excluding reference list; appendices; and student evaluations) based on the case they have been allocated and their responses to the associated questions. Each student is to complete and submit separately to their tutor, before their presentation, a student evaluation based on their input to the report and presentation as well as their evaluation of their group members’ level of input. A template of the student evaluation will be made available on the e-learning site at the end of Week 4.
Assessment 2: In Session Tests In-session Quiz Graduate Qualities Assessed Informed Innovative and Flexible Marking Criteria Marks will be allocated on the selection of the correct answer for each multiple choice question. Length 40 Multiple choice questions. Time allowed 45 minutes. Weighting 10% Assessment Due Week beginning 02 Sep 2013 (In Lecture in Session Week 6) Type of Collaboration Individual Assessment Style and format Multiple choice quiz. Assessment submission Week beginning 02 Sept 2013 (In Lecture in Session Week 6) Assessment return Results will be made available on SOLS the week following the test. Detailed information In-session quiz will cover all material presented in the first 5 weeks of session, including material from the prescribed journal articles.
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Assessment 3: Essay Individual Written Assignment/Exercise Graduate Qualities Assessed Informed Innovative and Flexible Communicators Marking Criteria A marking guide will be made available on the ACCY312 Moodle space in Week 7. Length 2,500 words Weighting 20% Assessment Due 08 Oct 2013 (Tuesday in Session Week 10) Type of Collaboration Individual Assessment Style and format This assignment requires the student to complete an academic style essay (not a report). This assessment task must be word processed, in size 12 font using double-line spacing with a left margin of 2 cm. The Faculty of Commerce uses the Harvard method of referencing. Please refer to the referencing statement. The library website also provides useful information on how to correctly use the Harvard method of referencing. Please attach a completed and signed Faculty Cover Sheet to the front of your essay. Assessment submission The essays are due by 5.00pm Tuesday of Week 10 (please note the Monday of Week 10,7th October, is a public holiday). However students are permitted to submit their essays at the beginning of their Week 10 tutorial (students are not permitted to submit their essays at any other tutorial other than the one in which they are officially enrolled). Assessment return During tutorials in Week 13. Detailed information Control is a three-stage cycle that includes target setting, monitoring of performance and feedback for correction. Management control systems should theoretically assist managers to perform the control cycle. Control systems also help managers evaluate employees and coordinate across departments (Macintosh & Daft 1987, p. 41). With reference to Macintosh and Daft (1987) discuss and provide a critique of the development and implementation of the current contemporary approaches to measuring and managing performance. Macintosh, NB & Daft, RL 1987,Management control systems and departmental interdependencies: An empirical study, Accounting, Organizations and Society, vol. 12, no.1 pp. 49-61.
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Assessment 4: Final Exam Final Exam Graduate Qualities Assessed Informed Marking Criteria Marks awarded for correct technical knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts Length 3 hours Weighting 60% Assessment Due To Be Announced Type of Collaboration Individual Assessment Style and format The exam will involve both calculation questions and essay style questions. Assessment submission The examination will be held during the formal examination period. Date to be announced. Assessment return Results will be released on SOLS Detailed information Further advice about content and approach to the examination will be given in lectures and on eLearning site towards the end of the session.
Additional Assessment Information