Assignment for Judgement and Decision Making
Order Description
Complete a number of exercises from the Reading Material and Exercises book (RME)( I will upload it later) or equivalent tasks separately set for the semester and submit for assessment.
The aim of the assignment is for you to demonstrate you in depth understanding of sections of the text and relevant readings and your capacity to apply that knowledge in a practical manner. The exercises required to be completed for this session of study are as follows:
Part (a)
Complete Exercise 8.1 from the Reading Materials and Exercises book. The aim of the assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the models of strategic decision making. Accordingly, the ‘major strategic decision’ you describe may be a fictitious elaboration on a true situation or a combination of a number of such decisions.
[Exercise 8.1. Read Chapter 10 of Parkin (1996) and Linestone (1984) (Reading 8.1). Think of a major strategic decision taken either in your organization or by your government and write down an analysis in terms of multiple perspectives, problem type and complexity, and organization structure.]
Part (b) Complete Exercise 8.2 from the Reading Materials and Exercises book
[Exercise 8.2. Read Chapter 11 of Parkin (1996), and Callon (1987), Bloomfield and Best (1992) and Parkin (1994) (Readings 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4). Re-analyse the strategic decision you thought of in
Exercise 8.1 in terms of the Power model.]
Part (c)
Complete Exercise 5.2 from the Reading Materials and Exercises book.
[Exercise 5.2 Read Chapter 7 of Parkin (1996). We live in a multicultural society. Write a paragraph or two on how different national cultural norms may interact with your organization’s norms to influence corporate judgments.]
Length: Maximum for length for total assignment [Parts (a), (b) and (c)] 2000 words.