Assignment #2: Dirty Jobs
You will need to view at least 2-3 episodes of Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs (2005-2012), focusing on three specific jobs or occupations depicted in the program . You might want to browse the questions below prior to viewing the episodes or jot down notes as you watch the programs. Then, based on what you viewed in the programs, answer the following items below. Please submit your typed responses to Moodle no later than Wednesday, September 25th.
1. What jobs and/or occupations did you focus from the episodes you viewed?
2. How skilled is the work (e.g., unskilled, semi-skilled, artisanal)?
3. Note the use of technology on the job does it seem to deskill the work or does it add to or enhance the skill requirements (i.e., skill-upgrading)? What does this suggest about skills in blue-collar jobs?
4. Chapter 6 notes many of the games, times, and deals workers use to help pass the time or make work easier (see p.110-115 for examples). How do Mike and the other workers cope with the demands of the jobs?
5. The authors note that blue-collar workers often work hard or make an extra effort even when there is little economic incentive because of a sense of pride in their work, a practice Hodson (2001) calls citizenship. How do the workers including Mike exercise good citizenship in the workplace?