IntroductionA non-profit event is generally one that recruits and involves volunteers for the purpose of raising money for a specific charity. Special event fundraising can include the organisation of monetary or gift campaigns, planned giving and financial endowments. For the purposes of these assessments you will be required to conduct some research on a charitable organisation or Trust that raises funds through various events with specific emphasis on the event policy and strategy they adopt in order to achieve this purpose.
Assignment 1 (individual written case study on chosen organisation)
(weighted at 70%)Introduction
For the purposes of the first assignment you are asked to spend some time at the charitable organisation Blood wise in London.Whilst there you will be expected to research this company and include both primary and secondary datato form the basis of a Case Studywith specific emphasis on the following:1.) Provide some background information on this company, how long they have been in operation, size and scale, details on the cause and amounts raised and what policies are in place within the organisation( also use some of the primary data I have as well as secondary ) ( what is policy ? ) what policy does cancer research use? ( what is bloodwise policy ?) 10002,) What strategy does Bloodwise currently employ to raise funds?
(What is strategy?) (could also speak about what strategy other charitys use eg. Cancer research) (what strategy does blood wise use ?) 800- 10003.) Research and put forward some recommendations for a new, non-sporting event for the South East Regional Fundraising Team i.e. a golf day, comedy evening, fashion show that could help raise additional funds for the charity. 500Your case study should be written report style and you can use visual material and appendices if appropriate. This document should be a minimum of 2,000 and a maximum of 2,500 words. REMEMBER TO INCLUDE REFERENCES ACCORDING TO THE HAVARD SYSTEM, A BIBLIOGRAPHY AND APPENDICES WHERE APPROPRIATE (Please note they are not included in the word count!)
The submission of AssessmentThe case study should be submitted on Turnitin by 21.00 on Monday 21stMarch 2016. Late work will not be accepted unless accompanied by appropriate documented mitigating circumstances. When handing in your work remember to attach a university coversheet including your student numbers, the title of the module and the name of your tutor.Please note that failure to submit this document on time, unless notified in advance will result in a straight fail.All work should also be proof read before submission to ensure accuracy and literacy.