Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care Programme
March 11, 2020
Divorce and Military Deployment
March 11, 2020

Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan

You are to develop assessment activities centered on each subject area (science, history, language arts, and Bible/character education. This assessment is to be organized around the Science Activities assignment, and the Virtual Field Trip.


Develop questions that would be used to assess learning during this unit. You are to develop a formative assessment approach that would be used throughout the unit and a summative assessment that would close the unit.


This activity should incorporate “Guided Practice” and “Independent Practice” as a part of the formative assessment.


Explain how you will conduct your closure activities that would be a review of material before the summative assessment would be conducted.


If your State’s SOL test will be the focus of this summative assessment, explain how you determined what important information was to be tested.


This assignment will follow the outline provided below.


A. Formative Assessment


Social Studies

Language Arts

Character Ed. /Bible


B. Summative Assessment


Social Studies

Language Arts

Character Ed. /Bible


C. Guided Practice Activities


D. Independent Practice Activities


E. Closure Activities


F. Reflection on preparation for SOL testing