The purpose of this individual assessment task is for you to report on a contemporary issue that impacts on early childhood education.
This assessment task requires you to report on the issue and implications for early childhood teaching. The audience for your report is early childhood professionals in the Australian early childhood context (this includes Foundation-Year 2 educators). The report is to be written in third person.
Assessment details
Structure of the report
Please use the following subheadings in your report:
Description and significance of the issue
Implications for children’s development and growth
Implications for teaching in the early childhood context
Include a reference list; the list will not form part of the word count.
Content of the report
The task requires you to:
Choose ONE issue studied in Weeks 4-7 (either child protection, sex education, child obesity, body image and health, health-related conditions).
Introduce the issue and the structure of your report in a brief introduction. (Aim to write no more than 150 words.)
Describe the issue, including information on the significance of the issue within the Australian early childhood context, as well as a definition from the literature. Provide evidence to support your response. (Aim to write 300 words.)
Who are the stakeholders involved with this issue (including external agencies), and what actions might they take to ensure children’s health and wellbeing is addressed? (Please include the most relevant stakeholders. You can present this information in a table – see over for an example. Aim to write 300 words in this section.)
What are the implications of this issue for children’s development and patterns of growth? (Aim to write 250 words.)
What are the implications of this issue for teaching in the early childhood context? (Aim to write 350 words.)
Conclude your report with a brief summary of key learnings from your exploration of this issue. (Aim to write 150 words.)
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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions