Assessment of Positive Environment for Student Learning Step 1 & 2

Practicum Experience: SOAP Note and Time Log
September 30, 2020
Future of the television system
September 30, 2020

Assessment of Positive Environment for Student Learning Step 1 & 2

Order Description

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Step 1: Conduct Research and Reflect on Learning
Conduct research to learn more about positive learning environments. To help you prepare for your presentation and your plan, research the following topics:
• What is meant by “positive learning environment”?
• What are the inter-relationships between positive environment for student learning, student achievement, and school improvement?
• What are some research-based methods, instruments, and strategies for assessing positive environment for student learning? What are best practices for sharing the

results with stakeholders to improve student learning and schools?

Since your research findings will become part of your Major Assessment, use the following guidelines:
• Sources: A minimum of 6, published within the last five years
• Types of Sources: Books, journal articles, websites
• Purpose: Synthesize your research and your course learning your program to understand and articulate the relationship between positive environment for student

learning, student achievement, and school improvement

Step 2: Develop Plan and Presentation
Your presentation may be developed as a PowerPoint slideshow or a video and should include the following sections:
• Title and presenter name
• Definition of “positive environment for student learning”
• Explanation of the inter-relationships between a positive environment for student learning, student achievement, and school improvement
• Description of best practices for assessing positive environment for student learning at the school level
• Your plan for assessing positive environment for student learning at the school and district level. Include the following:
o The instrument you will use for the assessment, who will participate, and how the assessment will be implemented and at what intervals
o How data will be collected, analyzed, and shared
o How next steps based on the data will be determined

Major Assessment Resources
Note: These resources are not required, but have been included in this section to help you get started on the components of your Major Assessment (due this week).

Website: Center for Social and Emotional Education
Website: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
Website: Edutopia – Social and Emotional Learning
Website: Rutgers Center for Applied Psychology
Article: Cohen, J., & Geier, V. K. (2010). School climate research summary: January 2010. School Climate Brief 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from