1. Define what we mean by the term European Dream.
2. Discuss what Europeans mean by social justice, and note how social justice compares with what Americans call welfare statism.
3. Briefly discuss the hallmark features and results of the European Dream and European social justice. [You are welcome to judge these features and results if you so desire, but be sure you make clear to the reader that you understand what these hallmark features and results are.]
4. Note how the contrasting European and American views of the positive and the negative role of the state in safeguarding liberty fit with the logic of the European Dream and the American Dream.
5. Briefly discuss how procedural rights and substantive (aka material, quality of life) rights fit into any consideration of the European Dream and the American Dream.
In your discussion, be sure to explicitly refer to:
6. Mäster August Palm’s November 6, 1881 speech about socialism, delivered at the Hotel Stockholm, Malmö, Sweden.
7. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Economic Bill of Rights, as excerpted from his January 11, 1944 State of the Union Speech.