Assess key factors influencing effective management of operations

July 4, 2020
Advanced training methods
July 4, 2020

Assess key factors influencing effective management of operations


This module aims to broaden and expand students’ knowledge and

understanding of the concepts, tools and techniques of operations management.

Students will develop analytical insights into current operations management

practices, explore the priorities and techniques of operations management and

employ these to the design, operation and control of business processes.

Learning Outcomes


On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:

1. assess key factors influencing effective management of operations;

2. evaluate the fundamental concepts, tools and techniques of operations



3. appraise the contributions effective operations management can provide



This module will call for the successful student to:

4. apply operations management tools and techniques to business problems;

5. approach and manage data and information, problem solving and decision

making effectively;

6. analyse data and information using relevant operations management tools

and concepts


The module covers the following topics:

− Operations strategy − Job design

− Forecasting − Supply chain management

− Product design − Inventory management

− Quality management − Scheduling

− Process design and capacity planning − Material requirements planning

− Location decisions − Just-in-time and lean operations


Layout decisions − Project management


Essential Core Textbook

Stevenson, W. J. (2012), Operations management: Theory and Practice, 11th

edition, Global edition, London: McGraw-Hill

We strongly recommend that you purchase the core textbook as you will need it

during the year.

Recommended Texts

Heizer, J H, and Render, B, (2013), Operations management, 11th Edition,

London, Pearson.

Reid, R D, Sanders, NR, (2013), Operations management: an integrated

approach, 5th Edition, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Slack, N, Chambers, S, and Johnston, R, (2010), Operations management, 6th

Edition, Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall

Krajewski, L J, Ritzman, L P, and Malhotra, M K, (2013), Operations

Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 10th Edition, Pearson Education.

Journals and Periodicals

You should regularly consult academic journals, for recent developments in

operations management and strategy. The following are highly recommended:

International Journal of Operations and Production Management

International Journal of Production Research

International Journal of Production Economics

Management Science

Decision Sciences Middlesex University 2013-14 Page 14
