As the training manager, you are preparing to interview several consultants who may provide training services

Criminal Law & Procedure
June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020

As the training manager, you are preparing to interview several consultants who may provide training services

For art I you must write 4-5 paragraphs.  As the training manager, you are preparing to interview several consultants who may provide training services to your organization. As one of the goals for the interview, you want to find out about the evaluation and validation techniques of the consultants. Identify examples you will be looking for in the evaluation and validation methods they will use.

Describe some of the techniques you would expect the consultants to introduce when they describe the ways in which they plan to evaluate and validate the training. (Make sure to address both evaluation and validation in your response).

Include information about formative and summative evaluation in your response.

What would be your most important considerations as you decide which consultant to hire?

How would you see the consultant integrating technology in the processes of gathering or analyzing data?

Part II

For part II, you must write 45 paragraphs that you will deliver to the ICBI board on the need for a budget contingency plan. Please think of 2 scenarios or events that could happen in which a budget contingency plan is needed. You must answer the following:

Explain the need for a budget contingency plan

Identify two (2) events or problems that could occur in which a budget contingency plan is needed.

Add three (3) budgeting guidelines to prevent the risks or problems you identified in question #2.