As a friend of john write 3 different letter of good conduct for john who is about to Apply for his Indefinate Leave to Remain Application in the Unit

As a friend of john write 3 different letter of good conduct for john who is about to Apply for his Indefinate Leave to Remain Application in the Unit

: As a friend of john write 3 different letter of good conduct for john who is about to Apply for his Indefinate Leave to Remain Application in the United Kingdom.

Paper details:

please its should be very catchy and professionally writing as you are a friend of john trying to sell joh to the home office.

speaking about his character, how long u known him, his dealings with people,and how he has helped you and been there for you as a friend. and why he should be granter his ILR.

please note hat i want three letters for john but three different sytles and wording.

conscious collaps
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