Artists’ engagements with architecture Academic Essay

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Artists’ engagements with architecture Academic Essay

1)Discuss how artists’ engagements with architecture, and how those engagements help them reimagine the spaces in which we live. Focusing on the work of Andrea Zittel and Rachel Whiteread, discuss how each artist approaches the relationship between architecture, space and dwelling (or habitation). What are the similarities and differences between their practices? What kinds of individual or collective life does each practice imagine? In short, what does it mean, for these artists, to dwell? Your paper must discuss a minimum of two works by each artist.

2) The past decade has seen a flourishing of contemporary art from and about Israel/Palestine that reflects on questions of nationhood, territory, and belonging. The artists Larissa Sansour and Yael Bartana both use video, photography, and performance to play creatively with ideas about what constitutes the nation. Compare and contrast how these artists approach the question of nationhood. In particular, how do they invoke the future or the past as ways of imagining different configurations of the nation? How do they address the question of which people a nation includes, and which people it excludes? Your paper must discuss a minimum of two works by each artist

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Posted on May 27, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions