Article Summary Academic Essay

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Article Summary Academic Essay

Article Summary Outline
Name of Article:______________________________________________________________
Author:_____________________________________ Source: (insert web link here)

Explain the article in six complete sentences (it usually helps to summarize each paragraph in a
sentence). What is the topic(s) and the key concepts?

Identify two words from the article that were difficult or unusual. Define them to match the context of
the article.

Find some opinions in the article, state whether you agree with these opinions or not. Cite (write down in quotations) at least two specific sentences in the article AND your reaction to them.

Is this similar to material we have discussed in class? Cite one sentence from the article that has been mentioned in class.

Why did you choose this article?

Four Article Summary’s Related to human resources :
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions