Topic: Article response
Stage 1
Choose one of the review articles from the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 2001 Volume 31. These articles are attached with the files. The articles deal with aspects of second language instruction in different settings and topics in second language pedagogy. Read the article carefully, noting the points relevant to any aspect of curriculum development.
Stage 2
Your task is to write a critical, reflective response to the points raised in the article that concern curriculum development.
1. Identify and summarize the main points raised in the article as they relate to curriculum development.
2. Critique or comment on the author’s treatment of the issues.
3. Discuss how you might apply or respond to the issues discussed in the article.
4. Draw parallels with your own experience either as a teacher or learner.
5. Next, locate one of the references listed in the annotated bibliography at the end of each article (choose a book chapter or an article rather than a whole book).
6. What additional perspectives does your chosen reference bring to the issues discussed in the review article?
7. Sum up the assignment with a short set of points you have learned for curriculum development.
Criteria & Marking:
Assignment 1 Assessment criteria
1. The main points raised in the article relating to curriculum development are effectively reviewed ( /6).
2. There is an effective critique of the author’s treatment of the issues ( /6).
3. Parallels are drawn with your own experience either as a teacher or learner (/6).
4. An effective discussion of the additional perspectives your chosen reference brings to the issues discussed in the review article ( /6).
5. An effective and relevant discussion of how you might apply or respond to the issues discussed in both articles ( /6).
6. An effective summary of what you have learned from these articles for curriculum development. ( /6).
7. An appropriate format for an academic review using standard academic discourse and appropriate and accurate referencing ( /4).