I need you to work on the paper that you previously worked on. You talked way way too much about the crucible which is actually minimal and I needed to talk about All My Sons which is in the heading. You put it in the intro and you never put it in the body or anywhere else. Basically you focused on the wrong part. What I need you to do is add All My Sons in there some how. Basically the paper you wrote me was entirely an analysis. I needed Intro Paragraph. Thesis Paragraph. The synopsis. Synopsis. Synopsis. Then analyze. Then conclusion. I got brief synopsis and complete analyzing. I told you to look at my essay as an example. That is a template. I have a great paper but it didn’t really fit the class. The teacher is very crucial. You were more worried about getting paid than getting it right. I can tell cause there were a lot of grammar error and didn’t fit the format I laid out. So basically I gotta hiring you again to fix what you messed up which is proper layout and you establishing a story that you didn’t even write about and also need you to take out crucible or add more all my sons in the paper all around. intro, thesis, body, conclusion.
here are the same instructions as last time
the paper should start off like
Miller wrote many different plays….
Next paragraph (thesis)
This paper will analyze
Then relate how each play fits into Marxist theory
Then Conclusion.
Attached is a typical essay I tend to use for writing. It’s similar to the format needed for the research paper. Also attached is the file that you had already done and the prompt.