Art Poster Adult Release Form

Environmental Health Assessment—Healthy Homes Resident Interview
May 11, 2020
Communications, to minimize distractions when listening
May 11, 2020

Art Poster Adult Release Form

Art Poster Adult Release Form

Assessment 2: Art posterAssessment 2: Art poster
Weighting: 45%
Word Count: 500 word abstract
Due Date: Week 4, 20th March at 1700hrs
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p. 17)
Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 12
Aim of assessment
The aim of this assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about cultural aspects
of death and dying. It will assist you to consolidate nursing theory and clinical practice for effective
transition to the professional nursing workforce.
This assessment requires you to:
1. Create a poster and
2. Write an abstract (500 words)
Your poster will represent the significance of culture in the context of palliative care nursing. You will
need to choose one aspect of culture as the focus of your poster. For the purposes of this
assessment, culture is considered broadly and could include spirituality, gender, sexuality, age,
ethnicity etc.
The poster will have an innovative title and be constructed on cardboard (approx. 60cm x 90cm) using
a variety of media (for example: paper, paint, crayons, drawing, collage). The poster should not
contain text €“ instead you should use images, colour, texture and shape to create your representation
of the significance of one aspect of culture in palliative nursing care.
It will be important to the quality and cohesiveness of your poster and abstract that you engage in
reading prior to creating your poster. Initially, you might also find it beneficial to reflect on your clinical
experiences to generate ideas for your poster. Remember, your poster needs to represent one
aspect of culture that is significant to palliative care nursing.
Once you have completed your poster, you will be required to write a 500 word abstract that explains
and justifies the various aspects/elements of your poster.
No bibliography is required for this assessment, unless you use images that require referencing. If so,
please include your reference list under your abstract.
Photograph your poster and insert the image into a word document, then add your abstract, reference
list if required and Adult Release Form, if required.

Weighting: 45%
Word Count: 500 word abstract
Due Date: Week 4, 20th March at 1700hrs
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p. 17)
Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 12
Aim of assessment
The aim of this assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about cultural aspects
of death and dying. It will assist you to consolidate nursing theory and clinical practice for effective
transition to the professional nursing workforce.
This assessment requires you to:
1. Create a poster and
2. Write an abstract (500 words)
Your poster will represent the significance of culture in the context of palliative care nursing. You will
need to choose one aspect of culture as the focus of your poster. For the purposes of this
assessment, culture is considered broadly and could include spirituality, gender, sexuality, age,
ethnicity etc.
The poster will have an innovative title and be constructed on cardboard (approx. 60cm x 90cm) using
a variety of media (for example: paper, paint, crayons, drawing, collage). The poster should not
contain text €“ instead you should use images, colour, texture and shape to create your representation
of the significance of one aspect of culture in palliative nursing care.
It will be important to the quality and cohesiveness of your poster and abstract that you engage in
reading prior to creating your poster. Initially, you might also find it beneficial to reflect on your clinical
experiences to generate ideas for your poster. Remember, your poster needs to represent one
aspect of culture that is significant to palliative care nursing.
Once you have completed your poster, you will be required to write a 500 word abstract that explains
and justifies the various aspects/elements of your poster.
No bibliography is required for this assessment, unless you use images that require referencing. If so,
please include your reference list under your abstract.
Photograph your poster and insert the image into a word document, then add your abstract, reference
list if required and Adult Release Form, if required.

The aim of this assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about cultural aspects
of death and dying. It will assist you to consolidate nursing theory and clinical practice for effective
transition to the professional nursing workforce.
This assessment requires you to:
1. Create a poster and
2. Write an abstract (500 words)
Your poster will represent the significance of culture in the context of palliative care nursing. You will
need to choose one aspect of culture as the focus of your poster. For the purposes of this
assessment, culture is considered broadly and could include spirituality, gender, sexuality, age,
ethnicity etc.
The poster will have an innovative title and be constructed on cardboard (approx. 60cm x 90cm) using
a variety of media (for example: paper, paint, crayons, drawing, collage). The poster should not
contain text €“ instead you should use images, colour, texture and shape to create your representation
of the significance of one aspect of culture in palliative nursing care.
It will be important to the quality and cohesiveness of your poster and abstract that you engage in
reading prior to creating your poster. Initially, you might also find it beneficial to reflect on your clinical
experiences to generate ideas for your poster. Remember, your poster needs to represent one
aspect of culture that is significant to palliative care nursing.
Once you have completed your poster, you will be required to write a 500 word abstract that explains
and justifies the various aspects/elements of your poster.
No bibliography is required for this assessment, unless you use images that require referencing. If so,
please include your reference list under your abstract.
Photograph your poster and insert the image into a word document, then add your abstract, reference
list if required and Adult Release Form, if required.and i will send you learning guide and follow marking critaria