Art Institute of Washington EN102 Spring 2014 Semester Poetry Critique Assignment Due 5.19.14

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October 13, 2020

Art Institute of Washington EN102 Spring 2014 Semester Poetry Critique Assignment Due 5.19.14

Art Institute of Washington EN102 Spring 2014 Semester Poetry Critique Assignment Due 5.19.14
For this first critique, you will need to either interpret or evaluate one of the poem(s) found in the text. You should use one of these questions as the main basis of your response,

but you can definitely answer other questions as support for your main thesis or claim. Your essay should NOT use any outside sources. This critique should come from your own point of views and ideas. Other things to be mindful of when you are writing your essay:

1). Choose only ONE question as the basis of your response, even though you can use other elements to support this one main question.
2). Your essay should be at least 750-1000 words long, double-spaced, and in proper MLA format with in-text citations and a works cited page.
3). Your essay is worth 100 points towards your final grade. You will be graded in the following areas: Thesis, Develop