argument analysis essay in which you analyze the two letters by the clergymen and King

selection procedure
August 3, 2020
Arguably, both Walter Benjamin and Susan Stewart see some positive potential within mass culture for a creative, self-productive, even liberatory rela
August 3, 2020

argument analysis essay in which you analyze the two letters by the clergymen and King

Write an argument analysis essay in which you analyze the two letters by the clergymen and King that are attached. Put the letters in historical context by describing the rhetorical situation, with particular emphasis on the exigence, the audiences, and the constraints. Explain the issue from both points of view. Summarize the positions taken on the issue in both letters. State the claims in both letters. Describe and evaluate the support, warrants, and backing in both. Identify any fallacies and describe how the authors use rebuttal. Finally, evaluate the ethical or unethical qualities that appear in these letters and write a conclusion in which you make a claim about the relative effectiveness of the two letters. Which letter is more effective? Why? Have your own views been modified or changed? How?The purpose of this essay is to explain the argumentation methods that the authors of the letters use to make their arguments.