Approximate how numerous clones you will need to screen

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April 19, 2020
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April 19, 2020

Approximate how numerous clones you will need to screen

Q. Suppose a mammalian genome (4×10^9bp in size) is digested with Hind III, and you are cloning a unique fragment of 2kb.

A. Approximate how numerous clones you will need to screen?

B. If you first size select the genomic DNA, realizing a 10-fold purification, and clone that DNA in a plasmid, now how many clones will you need to screen?

C. If you transform bacteria with the plasmid library made in part b above, divide the transformatnts into 20 aliquots and find one has the insert of interest, now how many clones do you need to screen?

D. If you screen 5,000 colonies on a 15cm dish, how various dishes will you require to find a clone of interest? “