application type that uses cryptographic mechanisms. Investigate,

A Synthesis of the Digital Age
September 29, 2020
Journal 3–Line Starter Exercise
September 29, 2020

application type that uses cryptographic mechanisms. Investigate,

application type that uses cryptographic mechanisms. Investigate,

analyse and discuss cryptographic issues.

Project description

· To address an application type that uses cryptographic mechanisms. Investigate,
analyse and discuss cryptographic issues.
· Research to be conducted utilising traditional sources (books, journals, articles etc.) as
well as the Internet.
· Production of a report of no more than 3,500 words.
Topic and tasks
In the Internet-era many application need to protect information and/or authenticate users.
This assignment requires you to:
1. Select a type of application that you would like to analyse,
2. Research and evidence the significant/relevance of your target application, citing
appropriate literature sources
3. Identify cryptographic requirements for this type of application
4. Analyse the cryptographic approaches used in different software package of the
same type, e.g. software used for data encryption
5. Discuss advantages and disadvantages, and justify the use of cryptographic
mechanisms citing relevant literature. Try to cover all areas relevant for the type of
application that you selected (key generation, key management, encryption,
decryption, etc.). Please go in depth in at least one of these areas. Specify the area
6. Evaluate/compare the different approaches
Possible application areas that you may consider include (but are not limited to) use of:
– Software to secure data
– Software or devices used for authentication
– Software used to provide communication security
– Software used for mobile communication encryption
Note that you are required to address ONE policy topic, rather than a whole series.
The report that you submit should be supported (where relevant) by appropriate
evidence. Any such information that you present must be appropriately cited and
referenced in your report –
Although you will be expected to make significant use of printed and online literature in
researching and producing your materials, it is not acceptable for you to simply cut and
paste material from other sources (small quotes are acceptable, but they must be clearly
indicated as being quotes and the source must be referenced appropriately)
Assessment Criteria
· Justification of topic area (application)
· Identify cryptographic issues linked to this area
· Overview cryptographic approaches used in this type of
· Discussion, advantages vs. disadvantages and comparison of
different approaches
· Conclusions, Future tendencies