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May 27, 2020
Lesson Planning with SIOP
May 27, 2020

apparent inconsistency

(1) Explain clearly and precisely why the following statements can seem to be inconsistent: (a) we are morally
responsible for at least some of our actions; (b) one is morally responsible for an action only if one could have
acted otherwise, (c) human behavior is entirely caused by previous events according to natural laws.


(2) The apparent inconsistency of (a), (b) and (c) is a dilemma because each statement is plausible, i.e., it can
seem implausible to reject any of them. Explain clearly and precisely why each statement is plausible.


(3) In Human Freedom and the Self, Roderick Chisholm attempts to solve the problem of free will. Clearly
explain his solution, relating your answers to questions (1) and (2). Chisholm considers a number of objections
to his own view. Pick the objection you find most plausible, and explain his reply. Do you find it convincing?
Why or why not?