antebellum Slavery and the south

Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 18, 2020
broadcast analysis( sport event, pre game post game
October 18, 2020

antebellum Slavery and the south

In a four to five page analytical essay, you will evaluate the motion picture Twelve Years a Slave (2013). The goal of the assignment is to
examine how film can function as a form of historical interpretation and representation of American enslavement and its impact on
American society during the antebellum period. Your analytical essay should construct a coherent thesis and analysis from the
following criteria: (1) compare and contrast the meaning of freedom for slaves and slave masters; (2) explain how the
theme(s)featured in the film is (are) significant to understanding slavery during the antebellum period; (3) assess the film’s strengths
and weaknesses in its portrayal of slavery and southern society, AND (4) assess the film’s historical accuracy by citing primary and
secondary source readings