March 11, 2020
Employee Performance mangement Custom Essay
March 11, 2020

answer this question only

answer this question only.~

Two (2) part question –
In reference to my lecture on Cloud Computing….
a)    Explain why IBM is still a leader in the industry after over 100 years (1911).
Your answer should reference technology history and the evolution of certain technologies.
What components have evolved dramatically since the 1940’s. Give solid examples as we discussed in class.
b)    Explain Cloud Computing. Your answer should also discuss why the ‘cloud’ is possible today.
Why was it not possible in 1940-1970? Focus on technology. Give at least two practical examples.

2.    Four (4) part question –
a)    How has Moore’s Law impacted the electronics industry? Give at least one example.
b)    What economic trends has it inspired? Give at least one example.
c)    Give a brief description of three of the factors that are impeding the continued validity of Moore’s Law. In one of the videos we watched, there was a discussion on how some technical components will be affected in

the future as a result of Moore’s law. Explain in your own words what the discussion was about.
d)    Name some technologies that may extend the life of Moore’s Law and describe how that can be accomplished by giving at least one example.