answer the questions in the paper details and number it

To what extend is the French government and politics still ‘Gaullist’ ?
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Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia
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answer the questions in the paper details and number it

pls answer the questions in the paper details and number it

Paper details:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:
Guyker, W., Donnelly, K., Donnelly, J., Dunnam, M., Warner, G., Kittleson, J., … Meier, S. (2013). Dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the combat experiences scale.Military Medicine, 178, 377–384.
Review the article, focusing on the section that describes the testing of the instrument. Consider the following appraisal questions in your critical review of this research article:

1. The authors use a factor analysis to examine the instrument’s factor structure. Which type of validity is supported by this analysis?
2. What evidence is presented for internal validity of the instrument? Are the coefficients sufficient to conclude the instrument has internal reliability? Why or why not?
3. Describe the use of discriminant validity in the evaluation of this instrument.
4. Did all subjects react to the instrument similarly? Which events or characteristics might affect the generalizability of this instrument?
5. Under which conditions would you be comfortable using this instrument for data collection? Which evidence-based practice questions might this instrument help answer?