Answer the following Questions:

Business model canvas
May 22, 2020
Case Study Advance Dementia Care
May 22, 2020

Answer the following Questions:

Answer the following Questions:

Question one: -Liberal ideas were and are considered by many to be emancipatory. Aime Cesaire both admires and was educated in liberal ideas of the Enlightenment, yet at the same time he is harshly critical of liberals of the l9th and 20th century in relationship to colonized people. Using Aime Cesaire’s On Colonialism, discuss his ambivalent feelings about liberalism and explain why he felt ambivalent. Be sure to define liberalism.

Question two: €“ Colonized people fought for the independence throughout the 20th century. Explain specifically why Algerians fought for independence, from their perspective. Your essay should include the conditions of colonialization which led to their fight for independence, and the escalation of conflict which led them to take the actions they decided upon. Use materials including your readings and the film, The Battle of Algiers.

Question three: Writers disagreed about the effects of capitalism on society. These disagreements included different concepts about human beings, society, and the ideal social and economic conditions. Using materials from the class, compare and contrast how Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Andrew Ure, Andrew Carnegie, Thorstein Veblen, understood capitalism and its effects on society. Include each writer’s ideas about human beings, society and the ideal social and economic situation. Consider the sharp differences among writers, and issues such as concerns about social justice, and the effects of capitalism.

Question four: The Mexican Revolution was the first social revolution of the 20th century. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Mexican Liberal Party, Madero and Emiliano Zapata. Which groups in society did each appeal to? Whose ideas were represented in the 1917 Mexican constitution?