African-American History
September 10, 2020
Impact of News Photography
September 10, 2020


Animal farm is a novel that is allegorical and dystopian, written by George Orwell in England and the book represents the events preceded the Russian Revolution that took place in 1917 as well as the Stalin era in the Soviet Union (Busky 108). The Author was a democratic socialist and a critic of Joseph Stalin while being hostile to Moscow, which was under the direction of the doctrines that Stalin, stood for which was a perception that was founded on the experiences he went through in the civil war that took place in Spain (Rodden 133). He had the belief that the Soviet Union had developed into an atrocious dictatorship that was founded on a cult of personality while enforcing a reign of terror. Orwell considered his novel as a sardonicaccount against Stalin and it was the first workwhere he attempted to blend political principle with creativeprinciple to create one whole.


The conception of animalism is considered to be indistinct but is very habituallyaddressed in the book while being utilized by Orwell to represent the generalperception that he has concerning socialism. Karl Max who is depicted as Old Major in the book expanded the view and in the opinion of Orwell, he was green to have the notion that the ideas that he had would actually work (Bloom 26). Even though Orwell actually agreed with the full conception that was associated with Marxism, he still was a critic of Marx since he did not address the voracity and resentment that would consequently weaken the whole idea. This idea was exhibited through Napoleon and other pigs who through being persuaded and being forced became the most dominant on the farm.

The animalism that is existent in the book can be considered to be an allegorical mirror that is associated with the Soviet Union especially between 1910 and 1940 and also the changes that took place in the perceptions of the Russian revolutionaries as well as the government in the manner in which they were supposed to practice it. It was the invention of Old Major who was a highly respected character and the other pigs that include Snowball, Napoleon as well as Squealer embrace the ideas that are developed by Old Major to become a real philosophy and they therefore name it Animalism.

A short while later, Napoleon and Squealer participate in vices that are associated with humans that include the drinking of alcohol, sleeping in beds as well as trading after which Squealer is used to make changes to the seven commandments so that he can be able to justify his humanization (Scalia 68). This represents the manner in which the Soviet government adjusted the theories associated with communism to develop it to become a reformation of capitalism instead of a replacement.

The seven commandments were developed so that there could be order and make sure that there was simple animalism present within the animal farm while being a unifying factor to the animals against the humans (Agathocleous 82). It was supposed to prevent the animals from following the evil habits that are associated with the humans and since not all the animals could be able to remember all of them, they were consolidated into one simple statement that was easily remembered. It was simply, “Four legs are good, two legs bad” and this considered wings as being legs especially by Snowball who categorically explained that they were instruments that were used for movement instead of manipulation. The sheep continuously repeated this statement with the aim of off-putting the entire multitude from the denigration that were being told by the pigs.

The original commandments included issues such as any animal that uses two legs is hostile, any animal that uses four legs or has wings is friendly and an animal is not supposed to wear clothes. Animals were also not supposed to sleep in a bed, drink alcohol or kill any other animal and they were all considered to be equal with none of them being more important than the other.


Without a doubt, George Orwell develops a literary criticism of a political society as well as political states and animal farm is among them being a political book when considered from a societal perspective. According the author, the society is always corrupted and there is no revolution that has the ability to address it since when people acquire power, the principles that they had go behind them while losing sight of what they had fought for. Power then becomes their key objective, the people who are bestowed with power will in most of the cases over-control the rest of the people making the achievement of a perfect society impossible and the novel is an allegory of this society.

The animalism in the Animal farm symbolizes the Communist society even though in the Communist Russia, things are not normal after the revolution and the society is still under the control of corrupt politics. A number of the characters that are in the novel are directly linked with some of the people who took part in the Russian revolution such as Stalin and Trotsky. The principles that are evident in the communist Manifesto are shameful because the society will not be in a position to enjoy what that people who are in power initially promised when they were part of the powerless society. The profligacy of power is depicted in the novel and is the distortion of the notions associated with Karl Marx that are in the Communist Manifesto, which is represented by the seven commandments in the book making a perfect society impossible.


Works cited

Agathocleous, Tanya. “George Orwell”. 1st ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.


Bloom, Harold. “George Orwell’s Animal Farm”. 1st ed. New York: Bloom’s Literary

Criticism, 2009. Print.

Busky, Donald F. “Communism In History And Theory”. 1st ed. Westport, Conn.: Praeger,

  1. Print.

Rodden, John. “The Cambridge Companion To George Orwell”. 1st ed. Cambridge, UK: