Angles of Elevation and Depression Academic Essay

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Angles of Elevation and Depression Academic Essay

Angles of Elevation and Depression

3) The angle of elevation from point a on level ground to the top of a 50-ft tree is 25 degrees. How much closer to the tree does a point on the ground need to be for the measure of the angle of elevation to be twice the measure of the original angle? Round to the nearest tenth.

4) A kite has a string tied to the center. The kite let out on 90ft of the string and the other end of the string is held at 4ft above the ground. From where the string is held, the angle of elevation from the center of the kite is 40 degrees.

a) How high is the center of the kite above the ground? Round to the nearest tenth of a foot.

b) If you maintain the same angle of elevation from where the string is held, how much more string would you need to let out for the kite to fly 10ft higher? Round to the nearest tenth of a foot.

5) When Adam sights the top of a 10-ft-high statue from 100ft away, he finds an angle of elevation of 2.3 degrees. When his friend Mark stands in the same location and sights the top of the same statue, he finds an angle of elevation of 2.6 degrees. Assuming both boys measured correctly, which boy is taller? By about how much?

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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions