Analyzing a new drug that binds to ppar

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April 10, 2020

Analyzing a new drug that binds to ppar

Assume you have been examining a new drug that binds to PPAR? and produces its beneficial effect (increased insulin sensitivity). When you give this chemical to mice, you see kidney damage. Other PPAR? drugs did not lead to the same toxic effect and in a PPAR? knockout mouse you still see kidney damage. However, the type of damage that you see resembles drugs that affect another receptor called ROR. When ROR is knocked out in mice, you no longer see kidney damage, but you still see the beneficial effects. Which of the following is correct?

A) ROR is the ontarget receptor and PPAR? is the offtarget receptor

B) ROR is the offtarget receptor and PPAR? is the ontarget receptor

C) ROR activation is the doselimiting effect and PPAR? activation results in the chemicalmediated toxicity

D) ROR activation results in chemicalmediated toxicity and PPAR? activation results in the doselimiting effect

E) Other ROR drugs will result in increased insulin sensitivity