Analyze legal authorities for evacuation and the separation of powers in an emergency between the governors, legislature, courts, and local government

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Analyze legal authorities for evacuation and the separation of powers in an emergency between the governors, legislature, courts, and local government

Order DescriptionUnit VI Essay
Compose two short essays on the following topics:
Analyze legal authorities for evacuation and the separation of powers in an emergency between the governors, legislature, courts, and local governments. (You may want to consider who needs to call for the evacuation, who should request aid, when these actions should be taken, etc.)
MSE 5101, Legal Aspects of Emergency Services Management 6
Describe protections for volunteers responding to emergencies and disasters.
Each essay should be a minimum of one page in length. Any outside sources used, including the required reading material, must be properly cited and referenced in APA format.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
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