analyze how Marx’s approached The American Civil war

FIN 370 Version 7 Week 5 Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Strategy Paper
March 18, 2020
Drawing on material from the lecturer’s notes and independent research, construct a detailed profile of an individual, named entrepreneur.
March 18, 2020

analyze how Marx’s approached The American Civil war

I uploaded the file that has the article you need. The article are the first one in the file and its title is ” The North American Civil War”.

I need you to write in about 1500 words about this article.The instructor wanted us to analyze how Marx’s approached The American Civil war in this article. From this article, what are the causes of the Civil war? and how did he see the civil war? explain how this article help us to get better understanding of the civil war?

I am an international student, please be aware of that when analyzing and writing the essay.

No cited work and no need to use other work beside the one I uploaded.

I know I asked for 5 pages but 6 pages is two much and I just need 1500 words which means 5.5 pages. I hope you add to reach to 1450-1500 words