Analytical report on David jones

Relative Status of Minority Groups
June 19, 2020
June 20, 2020

Analytical report on David jones

You have been recruited as the procurement and supply chain analyst for a major company (e.g. a multinational manufacturer, large retailer, service provider).
The Director of Supply Chain has asked you to meet with him. During this meeting, he has discussed some of the challenges and opportunities that the company is currently facing, indicating that the
supply chain team should proactively seek for end-to-end supply chain improvement programs to safeguard the company’s long-term success. The Director of Supply Chain tells you that the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) is very keen on the supply chain performance of the company and sees the supply chain team as having a strategic role to assist the company to progress toward its vision,
mission and strategic goals.
The Director of Supply Chain has also told you that there will be a board meeting coming up in a few weeks, and has requested you to work on an end-to-end procurement and supply chain mapping and
analysis of the company, and identity improvement programs that can result in potential cost savings while contributing to social and/or environmental practices and performance of the company.
You know that perhaps this is your greatest opportunity to create some visibility of your skills, strengths and innovate ideas to the top management, and also demonstrate that you can significantly
contribute to the supply chain efficiency and effectiveness of your employer.
The Director of Supply Chain has given you some valuable information in terms of specific issues that you will need to address as part of this work (see below). You know that there is a lot of work
involved in addressing these issues and that you will have to undertake a structured and professional approach to develop an analytical report that impresses the top management
Produce an analytical report, mapping and analysing the procurement and supply chain for a chosen company. Present your results as both a written report (2500 words) detailing your findings, and
improvement programs AND a Google Sites presentation of your complete analysis