Analysis of the play Anitgone: State laws vs. Private conscience

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March 26, 2020
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March 26, 2020

Analysis of the play Anitgone: State laws vs. Private conscience

Analysis of the play Anitgone: State laws vs. Private conscience

Many of the critical excerpts in the Antigone section of the textbook focus onthe conflic between Antigone and Creon, debating not only how that conflict is ultimately resolved but also what the nature of the conflict is or how best to understand it. Carefully read Richard Jebb and Maurice Bowra, working to understand how each implicitly charactterizes the conflict between Creon and Antigone. Then, write an essay in which you describe the views of these two critics and then draw on evidence from the play either to defend one of these views or to offer an alternative interpretationof the nature of the conflict between Antigone and Creon