Analysis of the business situation of the Virgin Mobile

Discussion – Week 5 Analyzing Tests and Scales??
June 22, 2020
Health care System Linkages and Alliances
June 22, 2020

Analysis of the business situation of the Virgin Mobile

Analysis of the business situation of the Virgin Mobile

Write a management report on a selected SBU of Company XY*(Virgin Mobile). You are expected to conduct your own research. The report should not exceed 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices) and should have the following structure with each section numbered exactly as shown below.

Cover PageInclude module code and word count for the main text. Do not add pictures – keep the page clear and simple.
ContentsInclude page numbers.
1. Introduction
(10 marks)SBU background. As a minimum, this should include its main products/services, the industry is in, its main markets, main competitors and recent financial data. Avoid cutting and pasting from the companys website. Explicitly select the SBU unit of analysis.
2. Analysis of the current business environment affecting the industry

(40 marks)Focus on the industry that is relevant to the SBUs core business and respective geographical focus of the United Kingdom. Look at the macro- environment and micro-environment. Identify important industry trends. Use analytical tools such as PESTLE and Five Forces. Do not confuse external and internal analysis! State the purpose and limitations of frameworks you use. This section MUST conclude with the main opportunities and threats affecting the industry derived from the above analysis.
3. Analysis of the SBUs
strategic capabilities

(40 marks)You need to identify company resources (tangible, intangible, threshold and unique). Use the Value Chain (Porter, 1985) and VRIO (Barney, 1991) tool and apply it correctly. Provide a critical, realistic and thorough analysis. Does the SBU currently have any competitive advantages? This section MUST conclude with the main strengths and weaknesses of the company derived from the above analysis.
5. Conclusion (10 marks)Maximum 100 words. What are the key issues coming out of the above SWOT that need to be addressed by SBU senior managers?
ReferencesAll sources must be cited and referenced in APA style.