Truancy Results
July 28, 2020
Planting trees based on emission
July 28, 2020

Analysis of EasyCBM

Analysis of EasyCBM


For this assignment, you will review student data and identify an appropriate intervention to respond to the information from the data.

Follow the steps below to complete this assignment.

1.) Review the following readings:

The Informal Reading Inventory Summary

Running Record Article

Error Analysis Reading

2.) Take a look at the EasyCBM passage summary of comprehension errors

3.) Write a well-constructed paragraph with an analysis of the data. (Be sure to use non-judgmental language.) For example, On this measure, Kevin answered 10 out of 20 comprehension questions on literal, inferential, and evaluative questions on an 8th-grade-level passage.

4.) Write a well-constructed second paragraph explaining an appropriate comprehension intervention.


1.) Remember this is a Masters level Special Education class.

2.) Be sure to only use the linked websites posted above with the required readings and passage summary as the references if needed.

3.) Make sure the two paragraphs are well-constructed.