Analyse and evaluate features of national business environments and identify implications for the management of people.

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Analyse and evaluate features of national business environments and identify implications for the management of people.

The second assignment consists of 2 sections:
1. The first section of this second assignment is an investigation into a contemporary issue (Strategic challenges for Recruitment and Selection in multinationals.
) in global HRM. This involves researching the issue and then writing an individual paper of approximately 2,500 words in total which sets out and debates the main issues related to your topic. Some suggested contemporary issues that you could base your work on are detailed below.
It will be helpful to develop critical reflection around the topic demonstrating a good understanding of the current literature and debates on the topic. Papers should discuss strategic recommendations for firms based on your understanding and evaluation of the literature.
2. The second section (guidance 1,000 words) requires you to evaluate how you worked together as a cross cultural group in preparing for the first assignment for this module. It should include reflection on group processes such as group leadership processes, managing decision making in the group, managing conflict, managing cultural diversity in groups, group roles, managing group communication and your own contribution to group processes with lessons learnt.My group member name is Bella Nyamse and Kunthavipunn Karnchanarteymme.
And our topic is Business expansion from United Kingdom to JapanBoth sections of the assignment (total word limit 3,500 words) should be submitted to SHIP (deadline will be given early in the semester). This assignment must be submitted through turnitin.
The first section assesses your ability to synthesise and evaluate current research by investigating a contemporary issue in global HRM. The second section asks you to reflect on the group processes utilised when working towards the presentation delivered for the first assignment and implications for cross cultural management.
This second assignment therefore aims to assess the following learning outcomes:
Analyse and evaluate features of national business environments and identify implications for the management of people
Apply and evaluate a range of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to the management of people in an international context
Synthesise and evaluate current research and provide a critical account of a contemporary issue in global HRM
Work effectively in cross cultural groupsExamples of contemporary issues in Global HRM are given below.
Strategic challenges for Recruitment and Selection in multinationals.
You could consider the appropriateness and problems of different recruitment and selection methods in international organisations and for international managers, assessing the validity and reliability of these different techniquesSubmission of FINAL courseworkYour work should be given in to the submission point at the Student Help and Information Point in the Stoddart Building. You should give your work in by hand it will NOT be accepted by email or fax. You may submit your work from 8.45 on the submission date. The absolute deadline for submission is 3.30 pm on the day of submission.Do ensure the academic integrity of your work and do provide full references in your work. You should read the sections on cheating, plagiarism and copying in the Course Guide for the MSc Global Business.
When you submit your work you must include a cover page which sets down:
Your name
Your Student ID number
The Module TitleReferencing & ResearchingIt is important to develop skills in researching and referencing. Referencing is important because it provides pointers to where you have developed your arguments from. Referencing also allows the person reading your work to go back to the material you read and read how that argument was originally developed. A brief guide to referencing is provided at the back of the module guide. Further information and a more detailed discussion on how to reference can be found on the LITS website. This university has a preference for using the Harvard System when referencing the work of others in assignments and dissertations. Not referencing correctly may result in you gaining a lower mark. Not referencing will result in lower marks. See Appendix 1 for the referencing guide.