Analyse and assess the implementation, control and evaluation of the online marketing planning process.

Heroic Masculinities
March 17, 2020
Review the characteristics of a competent early childhood educator and explain how these characteristics come together to support and exemplify profes
March 17, 2020

Analyse and assess the implementation, control and evaluation of the online marketing planning process.

CW1 – Individual report

Word Length (as per MID): 1500 words – a penalty of 10% of the mark is applied if the word limit is exceeded more than 10% or is below the limit by more than 10%
Based on your academic research (i.e. journal articles), critically analyse the fundamentals of website design and their influence on enhancing customers’ online engagement. Furthermore, select any two websites and discuss how these websites have, or have not, applied these fundamentals.

Furthermore, having written your blog/website over the last 7 weeks – you are now required to write 500 words relating to your activities on your blog. Explain which tasks and articles you took the lead on. This part of the CW equates to 25% of the total mark. (Attach the articles and tasks that you took the lead on as screenshots in an appendix)

Academic databases: Business Source Complete, Sage, Emerald and Science Direct
Learning Outcomes Assessed:

Analyse and assess the implementation, control and evaluation of the online marketing planning process.

Evaluate the impact of social networks on online consumer behaviour and social media communications strategies of organizations.

Content of the report:
• Table of contents (not included in the word count)
• Executive summary: less than one A4 page (included)
• Introduction (included)
• Main body (included)
• Conclusion (included)
• References (not included in the word count)
• Appendices (not included in the word count)

Report format
• Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri size 12 points
• 1.5 line spacing
• Include page numbers
# i created a website called digizone.