Analyse an industrial relations issue using relevant theory Academic Essay

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Analyse an industrial relations issue using relevant theory Academic Essay

Analyse an industrial relations issue using relevant theory

Feel free to choose any case.

1. Australia -Select a specific case where enterprise bargaining has taken place or is taking place. This can include where there is a dispute between the parties or where industrial action has taken place or will possibly take place. The case must be have taken place since the introduction of the Fair Work Act in 2009.

International students may select an issue from another country.

2. Outline the nature of the issues; explain the significance of the issues and the outcome of bargaining or predictions of possible outcomes.

3. Examine the views and positions of the different parties or actors in the issue and how these relate to each other.

4. Outline any relevant legal, political, social, economic or technological aspects to the issue and how these factors shape the issues.

5. Utilise relevant theory and literature to explain the underlying causes of the issues and possible solutions.
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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions