Analyse a business Academic Essay

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Analyse a business Academic Essay

This assignment aims to test your ability to apply your learning of PEST to practical situations and your ability to formulate a plan of action
Choose a business. Preferably, it should be a business that has been in the news in recent times. If unsure about your chosen business, kindly consult your module leader.
For your chosen business, undertake the following tasks:
• Analyse and explain how external influences affect its operations. The external environments you should consider are the Political, Economic, Social and Technological Environments (PEST). Use real-life examples to illustrate your discussion.
• Base
d on your analysis, recommend what actions the business should take in order to be successful

Assessment criteria
Your presentation will be assessed using the following criteria:
1. Your ability to communicate your findings in good English Language. The structure of the essay must flow logically.

2. Your analysis must be in-depth and thorough. It should address all of the above-mentioned tasks and must show satisfactory evidence of reading and research. Superficial and weak analysis will be penalized.

3. References and citations must be included. Avoid plagiarism.

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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions