An underlying facet of our conversations in this course have been political ideologies, parties, and platforms

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June 16, 2020
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June 16, 2020

An underlying facet of our conversations in this course have been political ideologies, parties, and platforms

An underlying facet of our conversations in this course have been political ideologies, parties, and platforms. In this discussion post, I would like you to explore
these on a personal and professional level.
The Pew Research Center has identified eight specific political typologies, sorting voters into cohesive groups based on their attitudes and values. Of the eight
groups, three are strongly ideological, two on the right and one on the left, while the other typology groups are less partisan and less predictable.
1. Go online to ‘Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology’ found at – (Links
to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2. Read the narrative found on this page being sure to click on the link for each typology group and reading about them on their respective pages. The links to
click on are provided in bold font and are listed below:
1. Steadfast Conservatives
2. Business Conservatives
3. Solid Liberals
4. Young Outsiders
5. Hard-Pressed Skeptics
6. Next Generation Left
7. Faith and Family Left
8. Bystanders
3. Click on the icon that reads ‘Interactive: Compare typology groups on issues’ as found on the right-hand side of the main webpage for ‘Beyond Red vs. Blue: The
Political Typology’
4. Be sure to review the material found under each link on the ‘Interactive’ webpage as follows:
1. U.S. & Economy
2. Politics & Elections
3. Government & Economic Policy
4. Foreign Policy & Security
5. Domestic Policy
6. Religion & Society
7. Demographics
5. Click on the icon that reads ‘Typology Quiz: Learn which if the types is your best match’ as found on the right-hand side of the main webpage for ‘Beyond Red
vs. Blue: The Political Typology’.
After completing all of the above steps, provide a 500-word post using this discussion forum. Utilize the guiding questions provided below to guide your response
(please do not write the questions in your response!):
1. Was it hard to answer some of the questions in the quiz?
2. How did you decide which response to choose for each question?
3. Do you think this quiz provided an accurate reflection of your political typology? Why or why not?
4. Do you feel there are possible strains between the political typology and your personal & professional identity? If so, share some of these. If not, explain
why you feel no strains exist.
5. How can the knowledge of the various political typologies be helpful when advocating for policy change?