An Analysis of the Language used on a Website for Teenagers:
Different age groups are associated with the different use of language, and such has evolved over time due to changes in lifestyle (Gee, J. 2014, 14). Technology has shaped lifestyle in a variety of ways with one conventional manner being the use of language in various settings. Teenagers employ a more informal language when they chat or write on the Internet, in blogs, and on social media. The language used by teenagers on internet sites is made of traditional linguistic forms and some modified forms that consist of slang and non-standard forms that are at times employed in offline conversations (Merchant, G. 2012, 11).
Conducting descriptive study designs on different websites commonly used by teenagers and noting the type of language employed. Such a study will involve noting the language styles and orientation of the teenagers in their use of language in communication, comments and general write-ups (Cruickshank, K. 2015, 04).
Questionnaires will also be used for data collection. Questionnaires will be shared among the classmates to collect information on their use of language on teenage websites. Such have been successful in studies conducted by Hadad, (2015, 43).
The website contains examples of the language formats used by teenagers on online platforms, especially the social media. It also includes some statistics of the social media usage by teens, and the type of language employed.
Koch, K. (2016). Art-board one created with Sketch. Retrieved April 27, 2016, from
This website outlines the different forms of language used by teenagers in social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to express their views on lifestyle and fashion. The website will be a good source of different ways in which teenagers use language and other ways that they use to express themselves.
The Hypothesis of the study is that the language used on the Internet depicts an evolution of discourse and that the teenagers are part of the revolution (Merchant, G., 2012, 08)
An important practical element to be employed in the study is the use of interviews and questionnaires with the classmates. Fellow students will be of great importance as a source of information since almost every teenager has had an experience with the Internet and the type of language they frequently employ in such situations (Huffaker, D. & Calvert, S., 2005, 12).
Reference List
Talbot et al. (2003). Language, culture and power. The University of Sunderland
Chuck Hadad (2015). #Being13: Teens and social media. Retrieved April 26, 2016,
Cruickshank, K. (2013). Literacy in Multilingual Contexts: Change in Teenagers’
Reading and Writing. Language and Education, 18(6), 459-473.
Gee, J. P. (2014). An introduction to discourse analysis: Theory and method.
Huffaker, D. A., & Calvert, S. L. (2005). Gender, identity, and language use in
teenage blogs. Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication, 10(2), 00-00.
Koch, K. (2016). Art-board one created with Sketch. Retrieved April 27, 2016, from
Merchant, G. (2012). Teenagers in cyberspace: An investigation of language use and
language change in internet chatrooms. J Res in Reading Journal of Research in
Reading, 24(3), 293-306. doi:10.1111/1467-9817.00150
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