An academic essay to compare and contrast approaches to the ethical issues faced by nurses and paramedics in Australia in the practice setting with relation to the topic of consentPurpose: To compare and contrast interprofessional approaches to an ethical issues in the practice setting.
Students are to review the two resources below (see links). Each resource features a 5 minute interview of a health professional discussing an ethical issue in clinical practice. For semester two 2014 this topic is on consent
Similarities and differences between the two interprofessional responsesto the given ethical issue are to be identified and students should discuss how the two professions might interact and collaborate in the given ethical issue in practice.
Students need to present an academic essay that responds to each of the unit Learning Out corn es
1. Discuss national and international ethical frameworks for health care that influence ethical decision making in
2. Explain the Code of Ethics relev ant to different health disciplines, and identify if there are no such Codes and how this may influence decision making and patient care in scenarios where there is an ethical dilemma.
3. Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in consenting vulnerable patients cohorts
4. Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional values and beliefs in ethical decision making
5. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position.individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice Peta Lea Gale (Nursing) https://webconf. acu . edu au/pt b57 gqjt08/?launcher=false&fcsC ontent=true&pbMode=norm al
Denis Roscoe (Paramedicine)
https:/lwebconf. acu by/?launcherf alse&fcsC ontenttrue&pbModenorm al
Writing your Essay
The lecturers in charge have agreed that students are able to use the five learning outcomes presented in the unit outline assessment descriptor as headings in their essay. These five points are as follows:
1. Discuss national and international ethical frameworks for health care that influence ethical
decision making in practice:
2. Explain the Code of Ethics relev ant to different health disciplines, and identify if there are no such
Codes and how this may influence decision making and patient care in scenarios where there is an ethical dilemma.
3. Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in consenting vulnerable patients cohorts
4. Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional values and beliefs in ethical decision making
5. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice
Please note that the five questions that are part of the headings are not to be included in your overall word count.