Amount of food the carrying capacity of the aquarium

Solution-Demonstrate that animals and plants depend upon
April 15, 2020
Solution-Did your search make use of the pop-out effect
April 15, 2020

Amount of food the carrying capacity of the aquarium

1. A girl notices that her guppies reproduces most when herfish tank water is slighty alkaline. they stop reproducing if thewater becomes acidic or if the water becomes too alkaline. this isan exampleof:

a) secondary sucession
b) zone of tolerance and intolerance
c) communities
d) intertidal zones

2. when ling increased the amount of food, the carryingcapacity of the aquarium:

a) increaased
b) decreased
c) remained the same
d) increaesd ,then decreased
3. the graph s a popullation in time that grows until itreaches its carrying capacity usually haas the shape of a(n)

a) I
b) J
c) S
d) M