Critical analysis of protocal
May 28, 2020
Infertility Treatment Policy/Advocacy
May 28, 2020

All Animals Are Equal

All Animals Are Equal

Assignment 38
38) Read the introduction to chapter 9. Read Peter Singer’s paper, All Animals Are Equal. Answer the questions at the end of the essay. Send your responses to the instructor.
Assignment 39
39) Read Tom Regan’s essay, The Case for Animal Rights. Answer the questions at the end of the essay. Send your responses to the instructor.
Assignment 40
40) Read The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research by Carl Cohen. Write a personal response and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 41
41) Read Human and Animal Rights Compared by Mary Ann Warren. Answer question #1 at the end of the essay. Send your response to the instructor.
Assignment 42
42) Read DeGrazia’s essay. Write a response and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 43
43) Read the introduction to chapter 10. Read William F. Baxter’s paper, People or Penguins: The Case for Optimal Pollution. Answer the questions at the end of the essay and send your responses to the instructor.
Assignment 44
44) Read Aldo Leopold’s, The Land Ethic. Answer question #1 at the end of the essay and send your response to the instructor.
Assignment 45
45) Read Environmental Ethics by Bernard E. Rollin. Write a personal reaction paper and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 46
46) Read Deep Ecology by Devall and Sessions. Answer question #2 at the end of the essay and send your response to the instructor..
Assignment 47
47) Read Radical American Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation: A Third World Critique by Guha. Write a personal reaction and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 48
48) Read Broome’s essay. Write a personal reaction paper and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 49
49) Read Sagoff’s essay. Write a response and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 50
50) Read Garvey’s essay. Write a personal reaction and send it to the instructor.
Assignment 51-Case Study Report III
Write a case study report on either the issue of animals or the environment. The cases are in the course documents section. There is an appendix in Applied Professional Ethics that describes how to write a case study report and another appendix that gives examples of case study reports. This assignment should be emailed to me or submitted using the drop box.
((((The case study do it at least 2 page. I will add file as example what look like))))