Business mode innovation(please proivde good topic for the order
April 3, 2020
The different areas of discipline
April 3, 2020


Create a clearly formatted paper and to incorporate additional insights and edits as appropriate. To do so, complete the following:

– Organize the information from the discussions into a paper format. Make edits as appropriate based on feedback from your instructor and peers. Your edits may come from additional insights you have had during the last few units of this course.

– Identify and analyze at least two ways that algebra affects business or science.

– Identify and analyze how any of the algebraic concepts you learned about—whether in this activity or in any previous activity in this course—can solve everyday problems in your life, in business, or in science.

– Analyze at least two ways algebra can solve everyday problems in your personal life, and be specific in your analysis of each one.
(Note that here we are focusing on everyday problems rather than on general applications. If you have identified how algebra solves everyday problems—rather than just the application of algebra—you can use those for this task. Just make sure you clearly justify why it fits this topic.)

Answer the following reflection question:

– What surprised you the most about how algebra affects your personal life, business, and science?
Review the following activities that focus on this project (see attached):

Unit 2 – A Formula Used in Everyday Life Event.

Unit 3 – A Linear Equation or Slope Used in an Everyday Life Event.

Unit 4 – Algebra in Business and Science.

Unit 5 – A Sequence or Series in Real Life.
I am trying to gain lean muscle mass. The general rule of thumb to gain lean muscle is atleast 1g of protein per every pound of body weight.
• Body Weight in lbs=Grams of Protein per Day
• 185lbs=185g of Protein per Day
I eat 3 meals a day, and a protein shake in between each meal and after work outs (3 a day)
• 3x(Grams of Protein per Meal)+3x(Grams of Protein per Shake)=185g per day
• 1 Protein Shake = 25g of Protein
• 3x(Grams of Protein per Meal)+3x(25 Grams of Protein per Shake)=185g
• 3x(Grams of Protein per Meal)+75g=185g
• 3x(Grams of Protein per Meal)+75g-75g=185g-75g
• 3x(Grams of Protein per Meal)=110g
• 3x(Grams of Protein per Meal)/3=110g/3
• Grams of Protein per Meal=36.67g
So each meal I eat needs to contain atleast 36.67g of protein. This is to gain mass (get bigger) so as I add on weight (lbs) I would have to adjust accordingly.
So, if you are not looking to gain muscle mass and looking to burn fat while retaining muscle you would reduce the grams of protein per day. For example, .7g of protein x body weight = grams of protein per day.
– Ken Salas


I am a bit of a poker player. I play often with friends in home games, and sometimes venture to casinos. Obviously my objective is to take home more then what I came with… The usual starting buy in is $100 and the game last about 4 hours. My goal at the end of a session is to walk away with a $500 profit (buy in, $100 + $500 on top = $600), so how much would I need to make an hour to walk away successful?
So x=hours, and y=money, so at 0 hour I start with $100 and my goal in 4 hours is to have $600 I need to find the how much I need to make an hour=m
• m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
• (x1,y1)=starting amount, (x2,y2)=goal amount
• m=(600-100)/(4-0)
• m=500/4
• m=125
That means I need to win enough pots to win +$125 an hour to walk away with $500 more then what I came with
Growth in the City of Kelsey
Over 100 years, Kelsey’s population increased by 280,000 residents, going from 342,768 in 1900 to 625,233 residents in 2000. Kelsey is ranked 1st among Northwest Valley incorporated cities and towns. With the growth of residents and expected future growth due to the desirability to live in Kelsey, there are some growing concerns regarding the sustainability of the water supply. The leadership has developed a plan on how to address these concerns. The plan includes the following:

• Upgrading the city’s water main system
o A new water treatment plant, including additional underground piping throughout the city
o Water supply upgrades likely taking 15 years
• Creating educational material for the citizens and businesses about the city’s water resources
o Tips on how to conserve water include using water-efficient shower heads, eliminating home car washes, only running full dishwashers, fixing leaky faucets, reducing lawn irrigation, and other water conservation practices
• Increasing the sales tax by a small percentage to fund water sustainability initiatives

Now that the mayor and other city leaders have developed this plan, they must garner support from various stakeholders needed to make this plan successful. Developing this support and involving the stakeholders as active participants in the process is known as creating a stakeholder power base. In the course assignments, you will take the role of various leaders in the city working to build this power base to implement desired changes.
The municipal structure consists of the following:

• The mayor is elected by the citizens of Kelsey and acts as a leader for the city.
• Council members are elected by the people in an area of their city as a district representative. They work in conjunction with the mayor to set policies and address issues concerning citizen’s needs.
• The planning board is an advisory board comprised of citizens who devote their time on a voluntary basis to address issues related to the community. Their talents come from a variety of background and experience.
• The conservation commission’s role is to advise in developing and implementing policies relating to overseeing the commission of water-related issues for the city. They coordinate with other divisional departments to help address and incorporate changes needed to address community water concerns and ideas.

Together, they work to help with the upkeep of the city’s vision and any long-term effects that may alter the city’s looks and vision.


ALGEBRA: A sequence or series in real life
A sequence is an ordered list of numbers. Usually, some sequences comprise of random values while others have a definite pattern used to arrive at the sequence’s term. Sequences are either geometric or arithmetic. A series on the other hand is defined as the summation of a geometric or an arithmetic sequence. There are many situations in real life when we apply series and sequences. For instance in finance where the amount increases or decreases with time and follow a given pattern. Where one is required to get the sum of a given amount over a period, one can use the arithmetic or geometric series to get the amount.
This particular relate to financial management where investors need to know the future value of money. To find out the future or the past or value of a certain amount, the investors will simply apply the arithmetic or geometric sequence. The time value of money plays the rudimentary role in financial management for investors. Another situation where sequences and series apply is in financial institutions when one applies for a loan. Given the principal amount, the duration, and the interest rate, one needs to find out their annual repayment amount, which is, calculated using the geometric and the arithmetic sequence.
It is astounding how basic statistic and mathematical terminologies affect us in real life. Customarily, one gets to think of just where some mathematical calculations really apply in real life. There is more to statistics and mathematics apart from the basic additions and subtractions. It is startling that series and sequences affect one of the most fundamental aspects of human life, which is finance.



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