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Airline Marketing

Delta airline Portfolio

Delta airline Portfolio
Paper details

This is a portfolio project, I will upload a template and instruction of it. I finished some part of it and ill upload my file too, and then you should finish and check all the work is done. Be careful and finish the shading instructions

AT 338 – Airline Management                    Update 1                                                             Fall 2014

Portfolio Template

Throughout the course of the semester you will be asked to research topical areas of interest.  This research will be the main content of your airline portfolio. In addition to the research, assignments will be added such as simulated budget exercises and current event analysis.


Sample portfolio outline:

General Airline Information:

*Airline name

*Management team

*Fleet size

*Area of operation (route map)

Write a historical introduction to your airline. Researching its history, when founded, growth, such as mergers or acquisitions, etc.

Job descriptions:

Secure several job descriptions of various levels of employment

*Entry level




Vice President

Compare and contrast the job description requirements. Is there a noticeable increase in Knowledge, Skills, Abilities or other tangibles such as experience that are identifiable as one increases in rank. How do your KSA’s prepare you for these job opportunities?

Budget/Financial Information:


Labor Relations Activity

Contract negotiations

Analyze and summarize the labor relations environment of your airline, what percentage of the workforce is covered by a collective bargaining agreement, how many are currently in negotiation, are there any labor actions (strikes) currently ongoing, etc.

Current Events:

**Add a weekly summation of news worthy items (8 weeks)

Summarize the current events for your airline, is there a common theme in the news articles or stories, are the articles informative, explanatory, marketing, or operations oriented. Who is the target audience and do the articles meet the objective.

Airline Marketing:

One of the purposes of marketing is to draw customers to a particular business within an industry.

Task:  Find three advertisements done by your airline (not travel agencies or manufacturers) to draw passengers to your airline.  Include an original or a copy of each advertisement to your portfolio and answer the questions about each of the advertisements.

  1. Who is the target market (who is the ad aimed at)?
  2. What is the primary attraction of each ad (what are they using to attract the target market)?
  3. Would you classify the ad as market penetration, product development, or market development?

Preferred language style US English