aintaining a balance between and among work, school, family, recreation, and other such elements of a person’s life
Write a brief paper on maintaining a balance between and among work, school, family, recreation, and other such elements of a person’s life. Discuss the importance of maintaining such a balance. Address topics like stress management, relaxation techniques, establishing and maintaining rapport with family and co-workers and other important persons in your life, and any other topics you believe are germane to the topic. The body of your paper should be 2-4 pages in length, and use the scoring guide provided separately for other elements you must consider as you prepare your essay. For your convenience, those elements are reproduced below:
Title page includes name of student
Title page includes title of final paper
Title page includes correct name of college
Title page and subsequent pages includes running head
Minimum of one in text citation for each reference source usedusing a minimum of three references for paper
Correct grammar in body of paper
Paper is submitted using APA format
Organization of thought in body of paper
Narrative in body of paper relates to topic
References selected relate to topic selectedminimum of three total required
Reference page is titled correctly (centered and first letter capitalized)
References are listed in alphabetical order
References are cited correctly (minimum of three references used)
Visual element (graphic/figure) inserted
Visual element (graphic/figure) cited accurately
2-4 pages (body) in length
Writer uses visual element (graphic/figure) to support point(s) in paper
Self Assessment is completed and submitted with final paper.
Use APA format as if you were preparing your essay for publication in an APA-sponsored publication.