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Agile Project Management

Title of theAssignment: Critical Comparison of AgileMethods
This coursework item is: (delete asappropri- ate) Summative
This summative coursework will be markedanonymous- ly NO
The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
1. Demonstrate a sound understanding the fundamental principles ofAgile Project Management.
2. Critically compare and evaluate agile approaches.
3. Reflect and Analyse teambehaviours.
This coursework is: (delete asappropriate) IndividualThis coursework constitutes 50 % to the overall modulemark.
Date Set: Thu 9th December2015
Date & TimeDue: individual deadline before Thu 9th December2016
The normal coursework return date for thiswork is: 10 wdays after due
When completed you are required to submit your coursework to:
1. Submit onBlackboard
Late submission of coursework policy: Late submissions will be processed in accor- dance with current University regulations which state:
the time period during which a student may submit a piece of work late without authorisation and have the work capped at 50% if passed is 14 calendar days. Work submittedunauthorised more than 14 calendar days after the original submission date will receive a mark of 0%. These regulations apply to a students first attempt at coursework. Work submitted late withoutauthori- sation which constitutes reassessment of a previously failed piece of coursework will always re- ceive a mark of 0%.
Academic Offences and Bad AcademicPractices:
These include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reuse of your own work, poor referencing or the passing off of somebody elses ideas as your own. If you are in anydoubt about what constitutes an academic offence or bad academic practice you must check withyour tutor.Tasks to beundertaken:
In this coursework you are expected to:1. Independently review one Agile Project Management approach such asLEAN, KANBAN, CRYSTAL, etc, of your choice (other than SCRUM, as themod-ule was based on SCRUM).
2. Critically compare SCRUM with the methodology you have reviewed in 1. emphasising the differences and synergies with respect to teambehav-iours.
3. Report your findings in a 2500 words (max)report.
Deliverables to be submitted for assessment:1. A 2500 word (max) report on the differences and synergies of SCRUMand one selected other Agile method with respect to teambehaviours.
How the work will be marked:See attached marking grid.
Marking Grid CTEC5725 (2015/16) Available marks: 50Distinction (>70%)
The presentation of the report is immaculate. Sources and figures are cited appropriately with adequate academic references being used. The comparison is clearlyfocused on the differences and synergies of the approach with respect to team behaviours.Key differences are highlighted and synergies refer to relevant examples that have been researched and cited or follow from clear analytical reasoning. Thecomparison uses the agile values and principles as a guide for comparison and
provides an a critical evaluation of the two reviewed approaches and their application areas.Merit (60%-69%)
The presentation of the report is very good. Sources and figures are cited appropriatelywith adequate academic references being used. The comparison coversthe differences and synergies of the approaches although the focus on team behavioursis lost. Some differences are highlighted and synergies have been identified.There are examples, but they do not entirely fit the point identified or followfrom analytical reasoning that is not clearly described. The comparison refers toagile values and principles but is not critical. Application areas are evaluated but have not been discussed in sufficient detail.Pass (50%-59%)
The presentation of the report is adequate. Sources and figures are mostly referencedwith adequate academic references being used. The comparison covers fewof the differences and synergies of the approaches. Some differences or synergies
have been identified. There are few examples, but they do not entirely fit the pointidentified. There is some evidence of analytical reasoning. The comparison broadlyrefers to agile values and principles. Application areas have been discussed withoutclear evaluation.