Job Analysis / Job Description
June 20, 2020
Course work ;different versions of a Logic Model
June 20, 2020

African American studies

African American studies

Automotive Systems Engineering
Module Title: 6ET001 – Automotive Systems & FEA
Module Learning Outcomes:
US2: Apply the method of substitution to analyse vehicle axle loads
US2m: Knowledge and understanding of underpinning principles of calculus, matrix and numerical
methods in relation to the finite element method
US3: Apply the method of Finite Element Analysis to analyse strength of engine and transmission
E1: Apply underpinning principles of stress analysis to analyse the strength of a vehicle component
E3: Ability to use finite element software to predict deformations and stresses in systems or machines
E4: Model and evaluate transmission components
D2: Understand vehicle design in relation to its aesthetics
D4: Ability to use finite element software to design new automotive components
P1: Understand the key components in an internal combustion engine and how these provide
mechanical motion
P2m: Identify the range of materials used in an internal combustion engine
P4: Use instructions to dismantle and assemble a transmission system
P7: Understand tolerances, limits and fits in relation to bearings and shafts
ASSIGNMENT (Automotive)
Assignment set by; David Tucker – Semester 1 – 2014
Automotive Systems Principles
You are required to produce a report (2400 words) which evidences your experience associated with the
module learning outcomes identified above. This should be specific to the following areas:
Demonstration of knowledge regarding experimental techniques
Ability to collect / generate and interpret data
A comprehensive understanding of typical test equipment
A comprehensive analysis of aerodynamic loads and their effects on chassis loading
Use analytical techniques to solve engineering problems,
You should evidence these outcomes by answering ALL the following questions posed. You should aim
to be reflective in describing the work carried out, to the extent that you make some judgments of your
breadth and depth of understanding in these areas, and expand to areas such as ‘future developments’
as informed by your literature review.
Overall Mark Allocation: Marks will be awarded according to the following criteria:

Section 1 – Part 1a = 10%
(Data, technical content, quality of discussion and conclusions)

Section 1 – Part 1b = 10%
(Content quality, research methods and conclusions)

Section 2 = 10%
(Data, technical content, quality of discussion and conclusions)
Presentation and correct use of spelling and grammar and overall summary are embedded into marking.
This report contributes 30% towards the overall assessment for this module (FEA work is separate).
HAND-IN DATE: electronic submission via WOLF 4:00pm Monday 1st December 2014
Section 1 – Engine development
You MUST work entirely alone on this assignment write up
Part 1, a – Internal gas flows
(800 words)
The first section is to investigate the construction and operation, use and subsequent developments
undertaken by flow bench testing on cylinder heads.
Your report for part 1, must address all of the following elements:

Design of the apparatus, experiment and means of interpreting results

Fundamentals of techniques involved in setting up and running a test

Calculation of the mean gas velocity across the annulus formed by the valve head and the
valve seat at an arbitrary valve lift value (7mm) at the following engine stages.
1500 RP/M